IAFloor Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to NSCoding
Declared in IAFloor.h


IAFloor specifies the floor of the building on which the user is located. It is a replacement for CoreLocation’s CLFloor as the interface for that isn’t open.

+ floorWithLevel:

Initializes and returns a floor object with the specified level information.

+ (nonnull IAFloor *)floorWithLevel:(NSInteger)level



initializes level value

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Level value represent logical levels above or below ground level and are not intended to correspond to any numbering scheme in use by the building itself. The ground floor of a building is always represented by the value 0. Floors above the grouond floor are represented by positive integers, so a value of 1 represents the floor above ground level, a value of 2 represents two floors above ground level, and so on. Floors below the ground floor are represented by corresponding negative integers, with a value of -1 representing the floor immediately below ground level and so on.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger level


It is erroneous to use the user’s level in a building as an estimate of altitude.

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Certainty that IALocation floor has the correct value.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) IACertainty certainty

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