IARouteLeg Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in IALocationManager.h


Object representing the line segment between two IARoutePoints. Includes the distance and direction of the segment as well as the start and end points.


The IARoutePoint representing the beginning of this leg.

@property (nonatomic, readonly, nonnull) IARoutePoint *begin

Declared In



The IARoutePoint representing the end of this leg.

@property (nonatomic, readonly, nonnull) IARoutePoint *end

Declared In



Length of the line segment in meters.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) double length

Declared In



Direction of the line segment in ENU coordinates in degrees. 0 is North and 90 is East.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) double direction

Declared In



Zero-based index of the edge corresponding to this leg in the original JSON graph. If this is a virtual leg, for example, a segment connecting an off-graph starting point to the graph, edgeIndex will be -1.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger edgeIndex

Declared In
