SDK 3.2 Beta Release Information


Cart mode

Also known as the on-wheels mode. This new positioning is intended to be used in, e.g., shopping carts, trolleys and forklifts. It increases the performance in these cases over the previous solution of using the low-power mode.

Check out our instruction pages in the knowledge base to find out more.

Points of Interest

The Point of Interest (POI) API is finally here! You can add POIs on in the tab Geofences & PoIs. A list of IAPOIs is available in IAVenue objects, which now also feature a list of IAGeofences in that venue.

POIs can be used as wayfinding targets or to mark other useful indoor information in the venue. Like geofences, they can also include arbitrary user-defined metadata and are available offline.

See the documentation for iOS or Android for more info.

Improved low-power mode

The positioning performance in low-power mode has been significantly improved, which makes low-power mode an even more attractive option for background and other challenging use cases.

Indoor-Outdoor detection

The indoor-outdoor performance has been further improved, but it’s still not perfect. Especially in small venues, indoor-outdoor detection has been a common cause of issues for new IndoorAtlas users. In order to make testing of our SDK as convenient as possible for new developers, we have now decided to disable indoor-outdoor detection by default as it can be considered an “advanced feature” of the SDK.

To enable indoor-outdoor detection, one now has to call lockIndoors(false) in the IALocationManager when starting positioning.

Removed deprecated APIs

The APIs marked as deprecated in and SDK versions 3.0 and 3.1, namely legacy fields in IAGeofence and the decommissioned calibration status messages, have been removed from the SDKs.

Setup instructions

Android Enable the IndoorAtlas public beta repository

repositories {
    maven {
        url  ""

and set the SDK version

compile ''

iOS Change the Podfile to use

source ''
platform :ios, '9.0'
pod 'IndoorAtlas', '3.2.1-beta4'