IAPolygonGeofence Class Reference Inherits from IAGeofence : IARegion : NSObject Declared in IALocationManager.h Overview IAPolygonGeofence object represents a polygonal region on Earth. points The unique points for the polygon. @property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) NSArray<NSNumber*> *points Declared In IALocationManager.h + polygonGeofenceWithIdentifier:andFloor:edges: Creates a new polygonal region from unique edges. + (nonnull IAPolygonGeofence *)polygonGeofenceWithIdentifier:(nonnull NSString *)identifier andFloor:(nullable IAFloor *)floor edges:(nonnull NSArray<NSNumber*> *)edges Parameters identifier Identifier for the geofence. edges Coordinates specifying the polygon. The edges must be supplied in clockwise order for the polygon to be valid. <IAFloor> object with level information. Nil IAFloor means that the floor is unknown. Declared In IALocationManager.h