CocoaPods Integration

It’s possible to include IndoorAtlas SDK into your projects using CocoaPods. This has many benefits such as simplifying the integration of the SDK and automatically including the required 3rd party software license notices.

How to include the SDK in your CocoaPods project?

Stable versions of IndoorAtlas SDK are released in the CocoaPods trunk so it’s possible to include latest SDK version using the following line in your Podfile:

pod 'IndoorAtlas'

You can get non stable releases by using the IndoorAtlas CocoaPods specs repository:

source ''

Automatically including the required 3rd party licensing information

If using IndoorAtlas SDK 3.4.0 or later, it’s possible to use CocoaPods to automatically generate licensing information section in your application’s settings bundle:

post_install do |installer|
  require 'fileutils'
  FileUtils.cp_r('Pods/Pods-Acknowledgements.plist', 'Resources/Settings.bundle/Acknowledgements.plist', :remove_destination => true)

For older IndoorAtlas SDK versions, it’s possible to copy this NOTICE file into your project and generate the 3rd party licensing information like this instead:

post_install do |installer|
  system("perl -pe 's/IndoorAtlas Ltd./`cat NOTICE`/e' 'Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-simple-positioning-app/Pods-simple-positioning-app-Acknowledgements.plist' > 'Resources/Settings.bundle/Acknowledgements.plist'")

For more information see the CocoaPods Acknowledgements article.