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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description Beta Suggests that classes, methods or fields might be subject to change or removal in the future versions and releases of the software.IAARObject IAARObject represents the coordinates (i.e., a model matrix) of an object in the AR coordinate system.IAARSession IndoorAtlas AR fusion APIIAExtraInfo Immutable class containing extraneous SDK information returned byIALocationManager.getExtraInfo()
.IAFloorPlan IAFloorPlan contains the information required to place a floor plan bitmap to Earth's surfaceIAGeofence A data object representing a geofence defined by a set of verticesIAGeofence.Builder Builder to configureIAGeofence
.IAGeofenceEvent A class describing a geofence event.IAGeofenceListener Used for receiving geofence events from theIALocationManager
when geofences are triggered.IAGeofenceListenerSupport Convenience class that implements methods fromIAGeofenceListener
as no-ops.IAGeofenceRequest Provides the list of geofences to monitor for the SDK along with the initial trigger specificationIAGeofenceRequest.Builder IALatLng Data object that holds location's latitude and longitude in degreesIALatLngFloor Data object that holds location's latitude, longitude (degrees) and floor numberIALatLngFloorCompatible IALocation A data object representing a geographic location.IALocation.Builder Builder to configureIALocation
.IALocationListener Used for receiving locations from theIALocationManager
when location has changed.IALocationListenerSupport Convenience class that implements methods fromIALocationListener
as no-ops.IALocationManager This class provides access to IndoorAtlas location services.IALocationManager.Consumer<T> IALocationRequest Provides quality of service attributes to theIALocationManager
.IALocationService Service that performs background operations to provide positioning updates toIALocationManager
component.IAOrientationListener Used for receiving headings and orientation updates fromIALocationManager
.IAOrientationRequest Class used to specify the sensitivity when requesting heading and orientation changes.IAPOI A data object representing a Point of Interest (POI)IAPOI.Builder Builder to configureIAPOI
.IARadioScan IARadioScan.IBeacon IARadioScan.Wifi IARadioScanListener IARadioScanRequest IARegion A data object describing a typed region in IndoorAtlas namespace.IARegion.Listener Used for receiving notifications about region changes.IARoute Structure representing a route from one location to another.IARoute.Error IARoute.Leg Object representing the line segment between twoIARoute.Points
.IARoute.Point IAVenue Represents a venue in IndoorAtlas systemIAWayfindingListener IAWayfindingRequest Provides wayfinding destination for the SDK.IAWayfindingRequest.Builder IAWayfindingTags Enables tag based filtering in wayfinding routing.IAWayfindingTags.Mode IndoorAtlasInitProvider IndoorAtlasStorage External storage APIRestricted Indicates a feature that is not available by default but can be enabled by contacting IndoorAtlas sales.